
Going MVP: Why Startups Should Start Small and Learn Big

The Importance of why Minimum Viable Products Provides a Strong Foundation for Startups

Apr 25, 2024

While working with startups, we've noticed a common struggle: figuring out if their problem is a big deal while also trying to gather feedback from customers and deciding if they should keep building their platform for a long-term. It's a difficult position. that often leaves them stuck, unsure of which way to go. But through our journey, we've found that starting with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) not only helps tackle this challenge but also sets startups up for success in a big way. 

Juggling Act: Testing Problems and Analyzing Feedback 

Startup companies are in a tough spot. They must figure out if the problem they're trying to solve is worth solving, all while getting real feedback from customers to see if their platform has long-term potential. It's hard, we get it!  

It's like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle — tricky stuff!

Our Simple Plan: Go MVP 

Adopting an MVP is the way to go. If you have a startup or are creating, choosing to build an MVP will help you in many ways.

Check if the Problem is Real:  

Instead of going all-in on building a full-blown platform, you can start small. You create a basic version of the idea to see if people care about the problem they're trying to solve. It is like testing the waters before diving in headfirst. 

Listen for Feedback 

Launching an MVP opens the door for direct feedback from early users. As a startup founder you can use this feedback to make the platform better progressively. Having a conversation with your users and changing things based on what they say. 

 Make Smart Decisions  

With an MVP, startups can make decisions based on real data, not just guesswork. They can see how users are interacting with their platform, what's working, and what's not. It's like having a map to guide you instead of wandering around in the dark. 

 Real Results: Success Stories from the Trenches 

While working with startup companies for 8 years we've seen the MVP approach here are our 4 Main takeaways:

  1. Confirm that their problem is a real valid issue for your “customer persona”. 

  2. Improve their platform based on real feedback, making it even more successful. 

  3. Spend their resources wisely, focusing on the stuff that really matters. 

  4. Lay a strong foundation for future growth, scalability, and success. 

When it comes to startups, going MVP is a smart way to dip your toes in, get feedback from real users, and set yourself up for success down the road. So, if you're a startup trying to find your way, consider starting small and learning big with an MVP – it could be the game-changer you've been looking for.  

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